What Are You Waiting For?3/7/2024 Have you ever wanted to get started on a project or skill but thought, "I'll do it when I have more...time/money/knowledge..."? Me too. But the more I learn about the world and those who find great success in it, the more I realize that there's usually one big difference in the way they live their lives. You see, most people find lots of reasons to put off getting started on "important but not urgent things" until conditions are "better." They wait...and wait...and wait. The problem is that oftentimes, those perfect conditions are rarely met. The most successful people, however, get started immediately, even when they don't have EVERYTHING they need yet, and they gather more knowledge/skills/a team to help them along the way. Jumping in early is NOT my natural way of operating, but everything I have created that I'm truly proud of was developed before I felt truly "ready." Here's a simple example: You've probably seen the promo below for my upcoming solo performance tomorrow night, Friday, March 8, from 6pm to 9pm at Portobello's Grill (Bocage) in Baton Rouge (If you don't already have dinner plans, join us! The food there is fabulous and the music will be too :D) But what you may not know is that the photo used for this ad is no "professional shot." In fact, it wasn't even taken on a "normal" camera. In reality, it was one of a bunch of late-night selfies I took with my smart phone, a tripod, and a handheld remote while on lockdown during the beginning of the pandemic in 2020. It's not high quality (so it can't use it in printed materials), and I couldn't even see if I was in the frame while taking it (which means I had to take A LOT of pictures to get one nice one in focus), but it has come in handy over the last few years. And it was born out of a combination of boredom and necessity--one major roadblock I encountered as a new solo artist during lockdown was that I had no promotional photos to use even when I managed to find a virtual gig! So I had to create some with whatever equipment I had at my house at that moment. Are you waiting for conditions to be perfect to get started on something in your life? If so, how can you break that habit and start a new one of taking one tiny action every day? With gratitude, Ashley Ashley Orlando Solo @ Portobello's (Bocage) |
LocationBaton Rouge, LA